How to Conquer the Content ROI Conundrum

September 30, 2015
Many marketers are still playing “Where’s Waldo” when it comes to measuring the real ROI of content. That’s because they start thinking about it too late in the process. In this B2B Content Hacks session, Marketo’s Heidi Bullock reveals the secret to achieving actionable insight into content ROI.
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From 'Good Enough' to 'Can’t Get Enough': How to Consistently Create Content Your Audience Loves
From 'Good Enough' to 'Can’t Get Enough': How to Consistently Create Content Your Audience Loves

Creating effective content means creating content that your audience loves — every time. But that kind of s...

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Leveraging Webinars & Optimizing Content to Generate Leads
Leveraging Webinars & Optimizing Content to Generate Leads

You might be creating awesome content, but is it converting? In this B2B Content Hacks session with Hana A...